CSE Alumni Magazine Vol 9:

Let Us Entertain You! CSE in the entertainment and gaming industries


Letter From Chair


"Dear Alumni-- I am extremely excited to connect with you. I chose to become a professor because I love working with students. Over the years I have taught over 3,000 undergrads and over 1,000 graduate students. Some of you might even have taken my CSE 130 or my CSE 231 or more recently my CSE 8A. I hope you remember your time in CSE fondly. As we celebrate our 35th anniversary on April 14 (btw register here: https://cse35.ucsd.edu ) I have a special request: pick a happy memory from your time in CSE and linger on it. Think of how it shaped you, how it affected you, how it made you who you are today. Our alumni magazine is a way to connect with the past, by looking at the present. You will find exciting stories about alumni and what they are doing today, in addition to seeing current snapshots of our department. As you all follow your impactful pathways in the world, let’s stay in touch please. Drop me a line, I would love to hear from you! "

Sorin Lerner
Chair / Professor
CSE UC San Diego

Letter From AAB President


"There has never been a better time to be part of our UC San Diego CSE community. The national and international recognition our faculty and students continue to receive, as you will see in this issue, is well deserved and inspiring. We are reaching a milestone this spring with the 35th anniversary of our department. That's 35 years of innovation, of revolutionary research, of looking forward, and of community.

Please join us this April 14 for a celebration that will honor our past and usher in another 35 years of strength and growth."

Aaron Liao
AAB President
CSE UC San Diego

copyright 2020 – Computer Science & Engineering – University of California San Diego
