
Channel Surfing For Science

Channel Surfing For Science

Computer technologies are advancing at warp speed and what better to keep up than CSE’s own Computer Science Channel.

Start with the short We Are CSE promo. There’s also a comprehensive Summer with CSE series, including a focus on the Summer Undergraduate Research Program.

Check out some of the projects our junior faculty and Ph.D. students have been working on. The video Trusted Browsers for Uncertain Times highlights David Kohlbrenner’s research on the many ways hardware design impacts software security.

Assistant professor Nadia Polikarpova is investigating new programming languages. Her goal is to simplify programming and make it less error-prone. Programmers would simply enter in high-level system requirements, such as safety, security or performance criteria, and the language infrastructure takes over to enforce those requirements.

Giving Computers the gift of Vision is the goal behind assistant professor Manmohan Chandraker’s  research on computer vision, machine learning and graphics-based vision, which offer applications for autonomous driving and human-computer interfaces.

There are around 20 videos up right now and more on the way. Learn about robotics, teaching computer science, healthcare computing and many other topics. This is a great way to keep up with CSE and perhaps eyeball some potential collaborators to complement your own work.